Sunday, November 10, 2019

Preamble to the Journey

Follow me on my 3 week journey in Japan. I hope to share  some of my experiences as I make my way across Japan to see Hannah and Mitch. The first two weeks I will be travelling through central and southern Japan before making my way to Ashoro in the north island of Hokkaido.

A little info before I go, I’ll be starting from Tokyo then travelling south to Fukuoka taking in some events and see the local culture and history. I start making my way north with stops at various cities before I make it Ashoro where Hannah and Mitch will be hosting me for a week. I will be travelling just over 5,000 kms in japan, mostly by train.

My blog will be my view of things as I travel across this amazing country of 127 million people, that fits in about 60% of the size of Alberta.

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